New Emission Control Program in Mexico City

To reduce car emissions, Mexico City has implemented the Hoy no Circula program, restricting car circulation based on license plate and color. Violators face fines and towing fees.

New Emission Control Program in Mexico City

In Mexico City and its metropolitan area, the "Hoy no Circula" program was implemented to regulate pollutant emissions from automobiles. This program prohibits the circulation of vehicles with yellow stickers and plates ending in the numbers 5 or 6, from 05:00 to 22:00 hours. Drivers who do not comply with these restrictions may be fined by traffic police with amounts ranging from 20 to 30 times the Measurement and Update Unit (UMA).

If a driver violates the "Hoy no Circula" restrictions, they must pay a fine that varies between 2,000 and 3,394 pesos, depending on the number of UMA applied. Additionally, 919 or 1,833 pesos are added for the vehicle's transfer to the impound, with the exact amount depending on the towing capacity of the truck.

The Hoy no Circula program applies in all boroughs of Mexico City and in several municipalities of the State of Mexico. In the case of vehicles with hologram 1 and plates ending in certain numbers, they have restrictions on circulation on the first and third Saturdays of each month. Similarly, vehicles with hologram 2 cannot circulate on any Saturday, including foreign cars with foreign plates, from 05:00 to 22:00 hours.

The only cars exempt from these restrictions are those with hologram 0 and 00, as well as agricultural tractors, construction machinery, motorcycles, vehicles with sustainable technologies, school transport, funeral services, and vehicles driven by persons with disabilities, among other cases specified by the relevant legal and administrative provisions.